
IGGSAD is specialized in legal and amicable management of big portfolios, ASSET COLLECTION MANAGEMENT.

Legal and amicable debt management

What we do?

Integrated debt management: legal, Amicable and solicitor


IGGSAD covers every need and resource required
by collection management


I.G.G.S.A.D. is a company exclusively dedicated to legal asset collection services, from 1996 supported by our extensive experience in this field and, of course, by the results achieved. Everything due to three key principles: Agility, Effectiveness, Professionalism.


Management period (amicable – prelegal – legal) determined by client.

Management proceess established by IGGSAD, with the authorisation of the client.

Our team of Case Managers, from wich 60% are degreed in law, are widely experienced in the field of amicable negotiation.

They are specialists in amicable management of NPL portfolios.

We have been able to create a team of people specialized in handling debtors basing itself in three essential premises:

1st.- Real economic situation: It is necessary to know real solvency and other properties, and of course, their current job status.

2nd.- Follow up of the real situation of the lawsuit from just a few pieces of information, against the debtor and success posibilities of filing a new lawsuit.

3rd.- And based on the two previous premises, making either phone calls or face to face conversations kind, serious, rigorous and with negotiating mood, given the name of the firms we represent, achieve the reconciliation with the debtor to interesting positions to our client.

Legal managements

Both legal and amicable managment are carried out simultaneously at all time.

Our legal division is composed by highly experienced Lawyers and solicitors on debt claims, filing and managing massive cases and lawsuits.

Within the legal division there is another subdivision, the legal BACK OFFICE department,

responsible for monitoring, coordinating, document preparation and verification, analysis, etc. .

IGGSAD is constantly seeking for excellence and better results on legal massive management, our bet is high automation of processes. GestionLawyer is not just a data base. Our debt collection system interacts with our lawyers, solicitors and everyone who takes part on collections.

We came to the conclusion that promptness, agility and effectiveness in filing and managing legal claims is the key in this sector. Our thinking is focused on collecting as much as possible, as soon as possible and we strongly believe that the guarantee for present and future recovery, is based on having all the lawsuits filed and continuously updated and issue the pertinent foreclosures, that is, study every possibility of present collection and foresee future possibilities.

Con GestionLawyer, en IGGSAD, gestionamos cualquier número de procedimientos judiciales, nos subrogamos en procedimientos en curso o presentamos nuevas demandas, con la máxima agilidad y eficacia. Nuestra aplicación, GestionLawyer, contiene todas las plantillas por tipo de procedimiento, con inserción automatica en las mismas de los datos almacenados, Juzgado, Auto,

Our collection system, GestionLawyer, contains many customized templates organized by type of proceeding, wich are automaticly filled in with the data stored (Court, proceeding number, debtor, solicitor, etc.), expiry date warnings with or without reminders, for any concept, email delivery, manual or automatic and programmed reminders, with document filing, etc.
Having all the required information loaded into our system, means we would only need to select the criteria we are interested on, choosing the right template and proceed to send it to the assigned solicitor, everything in just a few clicks. Few minutes later, we would have sent every document we have selected, no matter how many of them.

Contact Center HERMES, Centralita AVAYA con Tecnología IP, Grabación de llamadas, Sistema de marcación predictivo.